Excursion to Vergina - Declare your interest

King Philip Armour
31 Oct, 2023

The Organizing Committee of ACC2023 invite you to attend the closing excursion to Vergina, Macedonia, on Wednesday 15th at 13:00 hours.

For more information visit: https://acc2023.chem.auth.gr/Excursion-to-Vergina
The cost for the excursion to Vergina is 30€/person covering transportation by bus and guided tour.

Don't miss the opportunity to visit and admire the Macedonian tombs and, at the same time, get a nice memory from Greece and our Conference back home!
Please declare your interest for your participation in the excursion to Vergina by emailing ACC2023 at acc2023@chem.auth.gr with subject: “Excursion to Vergina” and giving your name, until Friday 3/11/2023.