Submit Abstract

The Abstract submission is closed.

Only abstracts that follow the aforementioned rules will be taken into consideration.

  • The English-language abstract is limited to one page (for both oral and poster presentations).
  • The file should be the name of the Registered Author's name (“.docx”) (for example, John_Papadopoulos_1.docx). The number reflects the number of abstracts that the same registrant has submitted.
  • To ensure that all abstract contributions have the same style in the published version, we strongly advise typing the abstract over the Abstract Template . In the title, avoid non-standard abbreviations.
  • The acknowledgements and references sections need to be included at the end of the abstract. The section titles should be separated by one line. In the text, references should be numbered progressively and indicated in square brackets before puncture signs (e.g., “…reaction engineering [1,2].”; “…as shown by other authors [2-4] …”). Please follow the corresponding styles for articles in journals [1], conference proceedings [2], books [4]; a maximum of 5 references is recommended (Arial, 8 pt).
  • Abstract should be no more than 500 words.
  • Background, aim(s), results, conclusion and conflicts of interest should all be included in the abstract body (no headings).
  • Just one table or figure is permitted. A single picture file should be formatted for each figure or table along with its legend (.jpeg or .png). The table legend should be placed before the table and the figure legend under the figure.
  • You must disclose any conflicts of interest at the end of the abstract's main body.
Download the Abstract template in Word .docx format:
Abstract Template (.docx)